Data scientist trainings

Get ready for Big Data and AI projects

At the Fraunhofer Big Data and AI Alliance, we combine the training offers of our member institutes.

The data scientist training courses from the Fraunhofer Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Alliance are offered to both beginners and experts. This enables us to provide structured, sequential further training. If you wish, you can complete our data scientist training courses with a certificate.

Our training courses are like lectures, but involve interactive learning, whether online or in person, where you can network, exchange ideas and benefit from the experiences of others. Our training teachers are experienced scientists at the forefront of research. More precisely, they are from the largest organization for applied research in Europe.

Discover our extensive offer in the training course search (only in German).

What is your goal?

For beginners

If you are new to the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, our introductory training courses are the perfect basis. These formats offer you one- or two-day training sessions to introduce you to the content and methods and provide a basic understanding of the respective topics. To prepare for this, you can take part in our free Python preparation course.

You can get the perfect start in the topic of Data Science with our certified five-day course “Certified Data Scientist Basic Level”, which will take you through the process of a Data Science project and teach you about the relevant technology, methods and basics in every step. This training course also provides the basis of our certification program.

For experts

If you would like to expand your expert knowledge in specific methods, our courses for experts are perfect for you.

Specialize in the field of Data Science in topics such as deep learning, time series analysis and more. In these courses, our experts share highly detailed and practical knowledge.

Certified vocational training to become a data scientist

The certified vocational training to become a data scientist includes a wide range of tasks through a modular competence profile. The illustration shows the structure in three levels.

In the first stage, you can obtain the “Data Scientist Basic Level” certificate or alternatively a specialist certificate. The basic certificate and a specialist certificate, together with documented practical experience, lead to certification as an “Advanced Data Scientist.” From there, you can obtain the certificate “Senior Data Scientist” by documenting and presenting an independently conducted project. The certification is carried out by the Fraunhofer Personnel Certification Authority in accordance with the requirements of DIN EN ISO 17024.

Certification handbook and examination rules (in German)
Go to training courses with certification (in German)

© Fraunhofer IAIS
Our modular certification program qualifies you as a data scientist in three levels.

Our training pledge

We share our knowledge with you — high quality, practical and theoretically sound.


We would like to make it possible for you to learn and further your education wherever you are. That is why we currently offer all training courses online (as well). Your individual training documents are also available digitally.



Not only our in-person training is interactive, our online training is as well. In small groups of no more than 12 people, you will receive intensive support that enables you to address individual questions and discuss specific use cases in the group.


Transfer of knowledge

Putting research into practice — the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft stands for pioneering research at the highest level. Fraunhofer IAIS has decades of scientific expertise in the fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, and implements this in both research projects and corporate solutions.

Benefit from the experience of our training teachers!

Education and training in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Dr. Georg Fuchs, trainings teacher and business unit manager Big Data Analytics and Intelligence at the Fraunhofer IAIS

One of the greatest challenges for companies who want to get a foothold in AI is the lack of professionals with the necessary expertise — data scientists. In the video, business unit manager for the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS and training teacher Dr. Georg Fuchs outlines the benefits of education and training in Data Science and AI as well as our renowned training program.


What our participants say

“I thought it was great that there were lots of opportunities to apply what I learned immediately.

“The neutral evaluation of the tools should be highlighted. Unlike training courses from other providers, there was no sales interest in the foreground here.”

“What was especially interesting for me was the connection between scientific principles and programmatic processing of business-relevant data.”


“The training had a very open atmosphere. During the presentations, they addressed participants’ questions and interests.”

“The numerical ratio between speakers and participants was very good! I have never experienced such intensive support in a seminar before.”

Offers for companies: grow together

Inhouse training

With our in-house training courses, specialists and managers become ready for AI projects. Get a customized training program for your team, either with an individual training course or a ready-made training schedule.


Co-creation with our experts at the Enterprise Innovation Campus

Our Enterprise Innovation Campus is an agile format for innovation and knowledge transfer. We create a space for innovative ideas and creative pathways away from your daily business so you can develop new markets and technologies. At the campus, your experts can explore and develop the technical implementation of their ideas into innovative products and services alongside our scientists. Knowledge transfer is at the heart of this — your employees quickly develop knowledge and can participate specifically in our training courses and certification program.


Further education tailored to small and medium-sized enterprises: the AI learning lab

You can find the Artificial Intelligence learning lab at the Schloss Birlinghoven Fraunhofer Institute in Sankt Augustin. It specifically assists SMEs to enter into the world of Artificial Intelligence as they learn about specific applications and their employees can earn qualifications.

  • Do I receive a registration confirmation immediately after registering online?

    After registering, we check that there are still places available on your chosen training course and that we have received all the necessary information from you. The registrations are processed in the order in which they are received. You will then receive your registration confirmation with more information via email. This process may take a few days.

    Will I receive a reminder shortly before the training date?

    No, not normally. Your registration confirmation contains the date, times and address. We ask that you contact us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend the training course you booked. We will then try to pass the place on to someone else who is interested. In this case, you will not have to pay a cancellation fee.

    What time does my training course start and end?

    The training courses start on the first day at 9:30 am and finish on the last day at 5:00 pm. On other days, there may be changes to the times by arrangement with the teachers.

    How can I see if and how many free places remain available?

    If a date for the chosen training course is available and does not include the phrase “Waiting list”, there are normally still places available. If several people try to register at once or at the weekend, it is possible that a date for the training course may appear to be available although it is booked up. The online registration will then be closed on the next working day. In this case, you will be informed immediately.

    We can inform you of the exact number of free places or your position in the waiting list. For this, please send us an email to the following address: We are always available to speak via telephone.

    Is there a hotel booking?

    Unfortunately, we cannot offer a hotel booking. But we would be happy to provide you with information about hotels in the surrounding areas. Please just ask us about this.

  • Can I join the waiting list without an obligation? How likely is it that I will move up in it?

    The waiting list is free and entails no obligation. As soon as a place becomes available, we would look to fill it as soon as possible and would then contact you. Unfortunately, we cannot predict how likely it is that someone will cancel.

    Can I join multiple waiting lists?

    Yes, you can join multiple waiting lists without an obligation.

  • When will the invoice be displayed?

    After the training course, you will receive an official invoice (tax free in accordance with Article 4 No. 22a of the UStG) from our accounting department to the address given to us.

    Can I have an education voucher or an education check count towards a training course?

    We accept education checks for our training program, but not education vouchers. Please find out at the relevant offices in your federal state about the receipt of an education voucher and submit it to us together with your registration.

  • Where can I learn more about the data scientist certification?

    You can find more about the Data Science certification here. The Data Science certification handbook contains all the important information and an insight into the learning aims that are the subject of the data scientist exam.

    Does the certification have a time limit?

    Certificates obtained in the certification area of Data Science are valid indefinitely.

    Why do I have to register for the exam separately?

    The registration for the training course and registration for the exam are two separate processes because the exam is conducted and corrected by the Fraunhofer Personnel Certification Authority independently of the training provider.

    The Fraunhofer Personnel Certification Authority requires further information and proof of your qualifications in order to check your admission requirements. Please use the exam registration link: We recommend registering promptly for the desired exam date, but no later than four weeks before the start of training.

    Is it necessary to do an exam immediately after the training or can it be taken at a later date?

    You have the option to reschedule the exam date, however we recommend taking the exam immediately following the training.

    When does the exam take place and how long does it last?

    The exam always takes place on the final training day. It normally begins at 9:00 am and ends at 1:00 pm at the latest.

    I failed the exam. Now what?

    No problem. Everyone has a bad day now and again. You can take the exam again. Go to the following link and register to retake the exam: It is free to retake the exam the first time.

    Where do the exams take place? And how many training centers are there?

    The exams always take place on the final day of a certification training course, directly at the training center. We currently offer training courses in Sankt Augustin, Kaiserslautern, Stuttgart and Dresden, depending on the topic. The respective training locations are always listed behind the dates.

    How do the certification modules build on each other?

    In the first stage of the three-stage certification system in the field of Data Science, you can obtain the certificate “Basic Data Scientist” or alternatively one of the specialist certificates. The basic certificate and a specialist certificate, together with documented practical experience, lead to certification as an “Advanced Data Scientist.” From there, you can obtain the certificate “Senior Data Scientist” by documenting and presenting an independently conducted project.

    Certification handbook and examination rules (in German)